
The Final Screening Assessment for 1-Nitropropane This substance was identified for action under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP).
Updated Pre-Budget Consultation

Updated Pre-Budget Consultation

Updated pre-budget consultation Feb 25, 2022 RESILIENT has submitted a pre-budget consultation brief to the Federal Department of Finance with our recommendations for Canada to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic healthier and more resilient. “Human Health, the...

Methylstyrenated phenol

Draft Screening Assessment Risk Management The draft screening assessment for methylstyrenated phenol has been published. It is proposed to conclude that the substance may be harmful to the environment and meets the criteria under paragraph 64(a) of the Canadian...

Flame Retardants Group

Draft Screening Assessment Risk Management Scope The draft screening assessment for the Flame Retardants group has been published. It is proposed to conclude that IPPP may be harmful to the environment and to human health and meets the criteria under paragraphs 64(a)...