CMP News
Once a chemical is found to pose a risk, scientists and policy people with the Chemicals Management Plan design a strategy to manage the chemical and the risk it poses. They might decide that it is important to phase out the use or production of the substance because it is too dangerous. They might propose regulations to limit or make the use of a chemical safer.
At every step along the way there are Public Comment Periods open to the people of Canada to comment on a draft document about a chemical. These comments, and the CMP Science Committee and Stakeholder Advisory Council help the government make decisions about how to manage a chemical or group of chemicals for the safety of Canadians and our environment.

Toxics Caucus
The Toxics Caucus has a mandate to link local and global activities, public and private sectors, and nonprofit actors in their work. In accordance with the Caucus’s mandate and Memorandum of Understanding with the New Brunswick Lung Association and Health Canada, the goal is to support Canadian Civil Society Organizations and disproportionately impacted populations to engage in the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) and environmental health initiatives.
The Caucus is an apolitical advocate based on a democratic majority among members, for actions that improve environmental and human health. The Caucus represents its members, as a union of interested parties, much as trade associations act in relation to the private sector.
Latest from the CMP
Transparency in Chemicals Management
An amended version of the Approach to disclose confidential information and promote transparency in chemicals management was published to reflect the results of the pilot phase of the confidential substance identity claim review project for claims older than 10 years. Available Here.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
A notice of intent to address the broad class of PFAS was published. Available Here.
The Final Screening Assessment for Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) was published. The Risk Management Approach for Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) was also published for a public comment period ending June 23, 2021. Available Here.
Informed Substitution within Canada’s Chemicals Program
A summary of feedback from the consultation: Informed substitution within Canada’s chemicals program was published. Available here.
Canadian Environment Protection Act
The Government of Canada strengthens its Canadian Environment Protection Act to better protect Canadians and their environment. Available Here.
Federal Environmental Quality Guidelines
The federal environmental quality guideline for copper was published. Available Here.
The Final Screening Assessment for DTPMP was published. Available here.
The Final Screening Assessment for Acetonitrile was published.
Available here.
Thiophosphate Alkyl Esters Group
The draft screening assessment and risk management scope for the Thiophosphate Alkyl Esters Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 12, 2021. Available here
The Draft Screening Assessment for Piperazine was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 12, 2021. Available here.
Ethers Group
The Draft Screening Assessment for the Ethers Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 12, 2021. Available here.
Aliphatic Amines Group
The draft screening assessment and risk management scope for the Aliphatic Amines Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 5, 2021. Available here.
Benzotriazoles and Benzothizoles Group
The draft screening assessment and risk management scope for the Benzotriazoles and Benzothizoles Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 5, 2021. Available here.
Hexamethylenetetramines Group
The draft screening assessment and risk management scope for the Hexamethylenetetramines Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 5, 2021. Available here.
Bioactivity Exposure Ratio
The Science Approach Document for the Bioactivity Exposure Ratio: Application in Priority Setting and Risk Assessment was released for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 5, 2021. Available here.
Chlorhexidine and its salts
The proposed order adding Chlorhexidine and its salts to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on May 5, 2021. AVAILABLE HERE
Federal Environmental Quality Guidelines
A summary table of the Federal Environmental Quality Guidelines was published. Available here.
Protein Derivatives and Yeast Extract
The Draft Screening Assessment for Protein Derivatives and Yeast Extract was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on April 7, 2021. Available here.
The Final Screening Assessment for Dinoseb was published. A proposed risk management approach was also published for a 60-day public comment period ending on April 7, 2021. Available here
The Final Screening Assessment for Benzophenone was published. A proposed risk management approach was also published for a 60-day public comment period ending on March 31, 2021. Available here.
Decenes Group
The draft screening assessment and risk management scope for the Decenes Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on March 10, 2021. Available Here.
Trixylyl phosphate
A notice of intent to amend the Domestic Substances List to apply the Significant New Activity (SNAc) provisions of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to trixylyl phosphate was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on February 17, 2021. Document available here.
The Draft Screening Assessment for Na3NTA was published for a public comment period ending on February 17, 2001. Available here.
BPA Analogues
The Technical Consultation: Proposed Subgrouping of Bisphenol A (BPA) Structural Analogues and Functional Alternatives was published for a public comment period, ending on February 17, 2021. Document can be found HERE.
Coumarin 1
The Draft Screening Assessment for coumarin 1 was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on December 30, 2020. Available here.
Benzenesulfonic acid AKA P- toluenesulfonic-acid(PTSA)
The Draft Screening Assessment for Benzenesulfonic acid (PTSA) was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on December 16, 2020. Available here.
Triarylmethanes Group
The Final Screening Assessment for the Triarylmethanes Group was published. Available here.
A Final Pollution Prevention Planning Notice with respect to Triclosan was published. Available here.
A mandatory notice under section 71 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 with respect to PFHxS was published. Available here.
Organic Flame Retardants
The updated draft screening assessments and risk management scopes for melamine, TCPP and TDCPP were published for a 60-day public comment period ending on December 16, 2020.
This information will be available on the (Chemical Substances) Website soon.
Assessment Notices:
The Draft Screening Assessment for Triclocarban was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on December 9, 2020. Available here.
Plastic Pollution
The Science Assessment for Plastic Pollution was published on the (Chemical Substances) Website. A Discussion Paper on a Proposed Integrated Management Approach to Plastic Products to Prevent Waste and Pollution was also published for a public comment period ending December 9, 2020. Available here.
Other Polymers Group
The draft screening assessment and risk management scope for the Other Polymers Group was published for a 60 day public comment period ending on December 2, 2020. Available here.
The Draft Screening Assessment for TMSS was published for a 60 day public comment period ending on November 18, 2020. Available here.
Thallium and its Compounds
The Draft Screening Assessment for Thallium and its Compounds was published for a 60 day public comment period ending on November 18, 2020. Available here.
Petroleum Coke Group
The Draft Screening Assessment for the Petroleum Coke Group was published for a 60 day public comment period ending on November 18, 2020. Available here.
Isoprene and Pigment Red 3
The performance measurement evaluations for Isoprene and Pigment Red 3 have been published. Available here,
A Significant New Activities order for Phenacetin was published. Available here.
Butanone Oxime
The performance measurement evaluations for butanone oxime was published. Available here.
Alkanolamines and Fatty Alkanolamides Group
The Draft Screening Assessment for the Alkanolamines and Fatty Alkanolamides Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on September 16, 2020. Available here.
An integrated strategy for the protection of Canadian workers from exposure to chemicals
A summary of feedback from the consultation: An integrated strategy for the protection of Canadian workers from exposure to chemicals was published. Available here.
Lead, Quinoline, and Strontium
Federal Environmental Quality Guidelines for Lead, Quinoline, and Strontium were published. Available here.
Antimony-containing Substances Group
The Final Screening Assessment for the Antimony-containing Substances Group was published. Available here.
Base Oils
The Final Screening Assessment for Base Oils was published. Available here.
Naphthalene Sulfonic Acids and Salts Group
The Draft Screening Assessment for the Naphthalene Sulfonic Acids and Salts Group was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on September 2, 2020. Available here.
The Draft Screening Assessment for Sulfurized isobutylene was published
The Draft Screening Assessment for Sulfurized isobutylene was published for a 60-day public comment period ending on September 2, 2020. Available here.
Lead, PBDEs, BPA-ecological component and mercury
The performance measurement evaluations for lead, PBDEs, BPA-ecological component and mercury have been published. Available here.
Chemicals Management Plan Stakeholder Advisory Council Meeting
The summary report of the Chemicals Management Plan Stakeholder Advisory Council Meeting for May 22-23, 2019 was published. Available here.