RESILIENT is joining forces with hundreds of organizations committed to building a movement for a Just Recovery for All. The movement represents the collective voices of Canadians across sectors who are calling on their government to make foundational changes during the COVID-19 recovery efforts to support the transition to a more equitable, sustainable, and just society.

Endorsing groups will pursue specific policy recommendations, aligned with the Principles. A full list of endorsing organizations can be found here (

The Principles, in brief, ask that recovery plans:

  1. Put people’s health and wellbeing first, no exceptions.
  2. Strengthen the social safety net and provide relief directly to people.
  3. Prioritize the needs of workers and communities.
  4. Build resilience to prevent future crises.
  5. Build solidarity and equity across communities, generations, and borders
  6. Uphold Indigenous Rights and Work in Partnership with Indigenous Peoples